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Foodservice Sales Manager Sample Questions

For the purposes of this test, the mission of a Sales Manager is:

“To recruit, develop, and manage Sales Representatives, with the goal of achieving company sales and annual operating plan objectives.”

Interest & Willingness Samples:

This questionnaire lists working conditions which you must accept to become a Sales Manager.  Some people find management work is not for them because of one or more of these conditions.  Successful Sales Managers find these work conditions acceptable; some managers enjoy these conditions.

Use the following scale to show which statement best describes you:

A.    I would enjoy this work condition and I have done this before.
B.    I am willing to accept this work condition and I have done this before.
C.    I would enjoy this work condition but I have never done this before.
D.    I am willing to accept this work condition but I have never done this before.
E.    I am not willing to accept this work condition.

1.  Has a plan of action; able to plan ahead; is proactive; is goal oriented; has good time-management skills
      A B C D E

2.  Able to see big picture; has perspective
      A B C D E

3.  Is a recruiter; is a trainer; is a good coach
     A B C D E

Self-Rating Checklist Samples:

The following checklist has pairs of statements which describe people.  In some cases you may feel that both statements describe you, but we want you to choose from the two items in each pair, the one which best describes you.

1.  A.    Able to get customer to see you as a friend and partner
     B.    Able to lead by example

2.  A.    Able to keep things in perspective
     B.    Willing to go the extra mile

3.  A.    Has product knowledge
     B.    Able to identify needs

4.  A.    Has good time management skills
     B.    Is persistent

Critical Incident Sample Questions:

This test is a select sample of situations which Sales Managers must be capable of handling.  Each item represents an actual critical incident that a Sales Manager either excelled or failed in the performance of the job.  This test exposes you to those situations which make a significant difference in a Sales Manager’s job performance and effectiveness.  Your choice of action reveals your readiness and potential to perform sales management work.

1.    You have targeted a customer and you are trying to gain their business.  You have called on them often over the last several months and they have not ordered anything from your company.  You should:

A.    Be persistent and continue to try to sell to the customer.
B.    Have a fellow Sales Manager give the customer a call to see if they can be more successful.
C.    Identify the customer’s needs and approach the customer with a plan.
D.    Spend your time calling on other customers, since you’ve called on this one several times.
E.    Make contact with the targeted account through another medium.

2.    Your supervisor has given you a market survey that identifies the competition’s accounts.  Which of the following is the best thing to do?

A.    Have a sales meeting and tell the Sales Representatives to increase sales by targeting the competition’s accounts.
B.    Ask your supervisor what you should do with the market survey.
C.    Develop a marketing plan to target those accounts and monitor results.
D.    Ask a fellow Sales Manager to help you develop a plan of action to capture the competition’s accounts.
E.    Develop a plan for selling to those accounts.

3.    You are approached by one of your Sales Representatives who is upset about his/her income level.  Which of the following is the best response?

A.    Encourage the Sales Rep to ask a veteran Sales Rep for advice.
B.    Tell the Sales Rep to increase sales.
C.    Encourage the Sales Rep to learn product line better so he/she can push additional products.
D.    Sit down with the Sales Rep and create a product plan for accounts to increase profits.
E.    Sit down with the Sales Rep and explore opportunities to grow business.


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