What is the biggest challenge for your agency? In a survey that included respondents from over 430 agencies in 42 states, the number one issue named was staffing.
According to Axon's State of Public Safety Communications Report, the biggest challenges being felt by public safety agencies are:
Staffing 39% Technology 23% Funding 19%
The concerns related to funding are mostly tied to the previous two concerns, staffing and technology, which is easily understood since these typically make up the largest portions of an agency's budget. The main issue that agencies are having to deal with when it comes to staffing are: recruitment, retention and training concerns.
Many of the agencies who responded to the Axon survey reported that they invest 6 to 9 months in order to fully onboard a new hire (43%), and a smaller portion (17%) invest closer to a year to onboard, while others (35%) are able to onboard in less than 6 months time. The ability to get a new hire trained and on the floor makes a huge impact in the organization, as it eases strain on staffing and resources.
There is a proven way to improve an agency's ability to hire, retain and train the right individuals: this approach is through behavioral testing. Agencies who utilize behavioral based testing for their applicants find a noticeable difference in their new hires ability to "hit the ground running". They do better in training, they "fit" better in the organizational culture, and they are more likely to stay and excel in their position. Behavioral tests help to pinpoint those applicants whose innate tendencies make them a better fit for the job.
Select Advantage has easy to administer, behavioral based, job specific tests that identify applicants who match those behaviors needed to be successful on the job. By putting this assessment at the beginning of the hiring process, before interviews, an agency can save time, money, and avoid hiring mistakes. Reach out to Select Advantage today to find an easy, effective way to address some of the biggest challenges facing your agency.